Monday, August 25, 2008

Emmanuelle and ... the series begins


Blogging on the arrival of Emmanuelle Hillary Ng has been long overdue. The reason for my delay is that there have been many thoughts, incidences and challenges in these two short months. I could easily write a book on these collected thoughts alone.

I will begin by saying that God has both a sense of humour and a penache for perfect timing. Remember that lovely refrain from Ecclesiastes? There is a time for everything, a time for peace and time for war... The lesson is that God makes everything beautiful in its time. The arrival of Emmanuelle - or Emmie - just goes to demonstrate His lovely timing.

Emmie was 3 wks premature, due to intrauterine growth retardation, or in other words, her belly wasn't growing fast enough and so the obstetrician decided to induce labour 3wks early, whilst things were still within normal ranges. We found out this by "chance" on some timely growth scans. So, a shocked Danielle packed her bags, and rang me in haste on the Wednesday (2nd) at 4pm and told me: "I have got to have this baby tomorrow." I finished what I was doing (reviewing some patient), and quickly asked my boss for some leave. All things were done at just the right time, I got my leave, talked with other registrars, filled my roster and got pay done with admin, all from 4:30 to 5:00pm, not a second wasted.

Then, my mother and sister had accidentally planned to arrive on the morn of the Thursday (3rd), 3wks prior to the due date. Wow, what timing. Another two pairs of hands to help me purchase some last minute stuff as we made the Mater Delivery Suite our new abode for the day. There was so much delay in the Suite, that we got the "prostin" (the induction gel) only by late afternoon. The night went by, the contractions hadn't gained strength, so we got some broken sleep. Emmanuelle was not meant to arrive until the next day.

Now it was the Friday (4th). My father had also accidentally planned to arrive that morning; his intention was only to see my brother off, who was leaving for London/Chicago for a whole year's worth of studies on the Saturday (5th). Would Emmanuelle come at the right time? She did. Dad was only scheduled to come in later that afternoon, Jimmy was to leave early the next morning. All up there was a window of say... twelve hours, in which my whole family would be there to see Emmie for the first time, and for the last time in a year for my brother. According to plan, she arrived at 6:30pm that night, my family and Danielle's family could all gather, to enjoy this child's coming.

God must have been enjoying His precise work all this time. He knew He wanted Emmanuelle to come on the 4th July, Independence Day. Did He know that we had named Emmie after Hillary (the Clinton) as well? Of course He did. There is not even the falling of a hair from our heads that escapes His notice (Matthew 6 somewhere). For Him, to bring Emmanuelle Hillary Ng on Independence Day was no feat at all. We, creatures of mankind, can only witness and enjoy Him, the powerful Creator and Ruler, in His wonderful timing. He does the actual work and He moves all things by His will. He has wrought much greater events in human history, the birth and life of Christ for example, was one such event. Why does Jesus come 14 generations after Babylonian Exile (Matthew 1)? Why does He escape infanticide in Judea under Herod (Matthew 2)? Why does Jesus pick the Passover for His death (Matthew 26)? Why did the King of the Jews choose the height of the Roman Empire as the time to bring about His Kingdom? Why will the Christ delay in returning once again, not as Saviour but as Judge of the world? God does all these things with intention. His timing is simply superb in bringing about His purpose.

In this little way, He has taught me just how skilled He is in all events of history, whether big or small. So begins the series of amazing events around the coming of Emmanuelle.


Anonymous said...

Hillary is an interesting name choice. Clinton is a believer in gay marriage, gay rights, and abortions!

william ng said...

Thanks for that comment. No I didn't know that she supports all sorts of abortions. My wife knew that Hillary supports gay rights and gay marriages.

I am sure she has good reasons for doing so. I guess my personal reason for not supporting abortions is just that I see that most, not all, abortions are convenient ways of ridding someone off a responsibility and that responsibility is for another living human being. It has always been hard for me to see the fetus and baby, including my own as I saw her grow, as anything but a life and gift from God.

As for gay rights and marriages, I am not sure why HIllary Clinton supports these. My personal reasons for not supporting them are mainly biblical. It's hard to write a short comment on this, because it may easily skew lots of issues. But briefly, we must affirm the God of the bible who welcomes all sinners into His family and Kingdom, including myself. Secondly, there is an order to His creation, that not only entails sex, but of course includes it. And that the order He instills is good in His sight. And part of His order in creation is for man to be with woman, in union and faithful love and for this to be the basis for family structure for the growth of mankind. I am not convinced that even ignoring the Bible's view on creation, that gay marriages and families are the best to grow humanity.

As for Gay rights, that is very broad, it really depends on what we are saying by that. The Bible superficial answer is again, everyone is made by a loving, heavenly Father, who made us in His own image and cares for us all and wants us to belong to Him truly. God is fair, He brings the rain to all persons, tyrants, robbers, greedy persons, poor, rich, good and bad. Rights in this basic sense should never be deprived of everyone. But if the "right" is no right at all... such questionables as

"I have a right to a child"
"I have a right to marriage"
"I have a right to promote my stance on sex, when, how, where, with whom, etc"

Then I cannot always answer the affirmative for such "rights" because I don't think they are rights. We have to flesh these ones one more.


HIllary has many other good features. She was forgiving of Bill Clinton, she is a strong woman who has withstood enormous pressures and challenges, she is intelligent, and she has lots of other good opinions on social justice. No one can be perfect in every opinion, or even for the Christian to be aware of the whole of God's will.

Anyway, we are very happy with Hillary, and pray that she may grow up to have such qualities. There was also a small remembrance of Sir Edmund HIllary, after whom Hillary was named. He has done something quite remarkable and symbolic, which gives us (everyone) all a lot of pride. I'd really wish for Emmanuelle to rely on God and overcome huge challenges in life for His sake.

Sincerely, William Ng

Anonymous said...

"There was also a small remembrance of Sir Edmund HIllary, after whom Hillary was named."

Hillary was not named after Sir Edmund Hillary.

He climbed Mt Everest several years after her birth.

william ng said...

Thanks for that correction. I am srry, I thought she was.

Sir Edmund Hillary climbed Everest! I'd like my daughter to have some of that courage.

Sincerely, William Ng

william ng said...

has some sources that are convincing of the fact that either Hillary's parents were fibbing or she was fibbing about the origins of her first name.

It seems like a coincidence, that both these persons were named Hillary.

I'll leave this comment to say that Emmanuelle was given her middle name because of the good qualities of both these giants.


danapple said...

Hey Anon, i'm guessing from your post you don't think Hillary is a great name cos she supports gay rights, marriages and abortions.I think everytime we name a child after another person we must know that that person we are naming the child after is sinful. children named after parents, grandparents, poets, writers, political figures, movie stars.... but parents all over the world keep naming their kids after people, i think the only name that belongs to someone who was sinless is Jesus... hmmm I think that Emmanuelle (Immanuel) was another name for Jesus..perhaps that cancels out the so-called negativity in the name Hillary!

Can I ask what's wrong with giving gay people rights, including the right to civil unions?

william ng said...

Thanks to God! I accidentally set ping active and deleted what I thought was a draft but in effect was the real thing on Mars Edit. For a moment I thought I had lost the blog and all its exciting comments. But somehow reposting it works wonders and brought all the comments back... this was a fluke.

youna said...

wow!!! that is GREAT and WONDERFUL to see how God worked like that :)
Praise GOD