Saturday, August 16, 2008

hardwares to give away

I love giving things, especially when they will be used for good purposes.

If anyone is interested please ask me for these items, which I will give away for free. Priorities to Bible College students, ministers, students, etc, i.e. persons in need and who will make good use of these hardwares.

1) LaCie 320 Gb external hard drive, USB 2.0. Designed by R.A. Porsche. Though I could not find the website for this model (superseded by this one), they are pretty similar, except this one is grey. All wires, cables, adapters, software and original packaging are as good as new. It's Mac OS X and PC compatible.

2) Pentax Optio S4 (4 megapixel) digital camera. With 2x 256Mb SD cards, battery, charger and adapter included. I got this in 2003... it has since been superseded by a few, including the latest S12 (12 megapixel) model, but the design is pretty much the same.

3) Other things such as recordable mini-disc man by Aiwa (if you're into collectables), Sony recordable walkman, Nokia mobile phone (8810, 6030), 15-inch notebook case by STM, 1x blue-tooth head piece for mobiles, 1x digital picture key ring for PCs, 1x pair of 80Watt PC speakers...

Please just drop by, email or phone me first, and pick them up for your personal use (just joking about the "good purposes", once it's yours, it's yours), or even better give them to a friend who'll use these things.


1 comment:

william ng said...

Add to the list:
4) External DVD writer, as good as new, USB 2.0, 16x and dual layer capability, light scribe, by LG.

Why give things? well, if it's not used, it's useless. And God teaches us to be generous. But there should be an order to things and priority. Brothers and sisters in Christ over others (see 2Timothy) and then the poorer/needier ones first (See Acts and donation to Jerusalem Christians).