Friday, July 18, 2008

WYD (4) : Beauty of the Earth, Ugliness of Man

Pope Benedict had touched on many social, philosophical and environmental woes facing Australians and the world in his Barangaroo address on Thursday. They include:

1. Reconciliation with mistreated Aborigines

2. World Consumption (Greed) and effects on God's Earth

3. Promotion of violence and pornography on the Internet and other Media

4. Relativism and abandonment of (Absolute) Truths

The Pope is confident in the Youth present. And I think it is in this address, not the opening one I blogged on in WYD (2), that we find the heart of the "solution" that Benedict hinted at, quoting from the Herald:

'The Pope said that since it began in 1986, world Youth Day had given young pilgrims the chance to come together to "deepen their faith in Christ" and return home filled with hope [my italics] of building a "better world". "World Youth Day fills me with confidence for the future of the church and the future of the world," he said.'

Where is the solution? Is it in the Youth? Is it in Jesus? Or a combination: in the Youth who follow Jesus as the Christ (meaning as God-appointed Ruler)? I don't have much faith in most Youth, even if their behaviours exhibited so far are nicer than English Football Fans. There are exceptions, and thank God for them. I do agree that it is basically our selfishness/self-centredness, or sinfulness in rejection of God's rule, that is at the heart of all those issues. Everyone has this problem, and to begin addressing the effects of our sin, we need to deal with sin.

Hopefully, from the previous posting you have an idea on how God deals with sinful human beings through Jesus' death and resurrection. If there is a query please email me. I just hope that the Pope would get a chance to flesh out how Jesus fits in with our central problem. Yes, the centrality of Jesus is always lacking in people's worldview.

But that still leaves the "scars... on the surface of our earth". What do we do and how do we do it? Do we leave it because we believe that this world will pass and give way to a new heaven and new earth, which is promised in the Bible? Obviously not. I won't go into a detailed essay with goals and strategies. But I do wish to offer a general attitude to social and environmental injustices and abuses.

Firstly, Jesus' priority is still His kingdom. And His kingdom is not of this world, though it has effect on this world. His rulership (instead of using kingdom) is over a group of people whose hearts and minds are renewed and transformed by His Spirit. Their lives are progressively, not absolutely, victorious over self-centredness and selfishness.

Secondly, the priorities of Christians is still Jesus' kingdom, mentioned above. Ultimately this world, as beautiful as God has made it, will pass away. The preaching of the Good News concerning the death and resurrection of Jesus, leads all our actions, drives our programs or better, is the goal of our fights against injustices and abuses. God wants, therefore we want, to bring people's hearts, minds and souls back to Himself through the Gospel, or for them to be brought into His kingdom, under Jesus as Ruler or Christ.

Thirdly, the Gospel so transforms our lives as Christians, that there are good effects to be felt and experienced now, that our actions actually promote the real justice, love, beauty, provision - the glory of God's character - physically, socially, relationally, environmentally, etc in our earth. It is a shame that often we are not as "good", "conscious/aware", "active" as non-Christians who do not follow Jesus as Lord, or worse, we are greedier, more selfish and materialistic, wasteful, careless than them. May God forgive us, and warn us about whether we are really being transformed by His Spirit.

Fourthly, our efforts at best, will be temporary, piecemeal, and frustrated by our own sin and that of others. This present world still groans under the weight of sin and its destructive effects. But this does not take away our desire to promote the gospel and adorn it with our good behaviour and provision and care of the the world and its inhabitants. We work all the more harder and show more diligence so that we act as godly caretakers of the world, peacemakers and responsible citizens. This way, the world can testify to our spiritual difference and give GOd praise and perhaps, be moved to want to know the same Lord and Saviour Jesus, whom we profess.

Lastly then, the goal of all our efforts is still the same as God's own: the kingdom of the Lord Jesus. we want people everywhere to be brought under His rulership and 
provision, so that forever they will enjoy His goodness and glory. God's answer to our world's
problems and woes is spelt out: passing of this one and recreation of a new, perfect world without injustice. It will come. We need to wait patiently and work diligently, so that in the mean time, we may bring others in relationship with God through the Gospel, so that they will taste and enjoy the fulfillment of God's promises. In the end, these woes and problems will be satisfactorily and eternally overcome. For now and in the future ever more, we trust in God and His provision through the Lord Jesus.

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