The Man’s Man
I originally named this revelatory speech about our groom Johnny as the “Evolution of Man”, with illustrations on how Johnny exhibits all the features of the Modern Man, but I thought again, what I’m really trying to say is that Johnny’s the “Man’s Man”.
Why? For Johnny is what a Man ought to become and also he is the right Man for Sarah: Johnny is the Man’s Man in all senses of the phrase.
So what are the fine features of the Man’s Man, the Modern Man, the Destination of Man’s Evolution?
Firstly he’s a friend. Quiet, unassuming, but looking out for the need of others and quick to respond to them. On a recent mission to Bolivia, Johnny won a team award for demonstration of his chivalry, when he sprinted from an ailing, failing trailing vehicle, around treacherous Bolivian mountain roads to alert the leading vehicles of her distress. This is equivalent to a Medieval Rescue Mission of a Damsel in Distress. Of course he’s a friend in the relational aspects of life. You can see it in the way he inquires of those at church, especially those under his care at small groups. Even though I have changed church homes and been busy with work and family in the last couple of years, Johnny has kept a concern for me and my family, updating us with news of the small group. This Man’s Man displays true and thoughtful friendship in the bigger and smaller events in life.
Secondly, the Man’s Man is not afraid to reveal Feelings: yes, a Real Man has real feelings, deep affections for good and the beautiful. Johnny is a Poet, did you know? I cannot read you the poem with which he asked Sarah out, nor the one he used to pose the big question, but the Man’s a Poet! Not afraid to be named names, setting the romance bar high for those mere men who come after, the Man’s Man can’t control his affections for and appreciation of true beauty. [As far as I know he hasn’t yet written a song for Sarah, so I’m still “ahead” in this count. But I must be lesser, the Bridegroom greater] The Man’s Man treasures memories of his loved one, so much so that he keeps a photographic log of all the significant dates and events he has shared with Sarah. Nothing crass like pictures of food and fine dines on Facebook, the Man’s Man prefers words, experiences, meaningful events which has shaped his affections for his beautiful subject, he savours and relishes by reminiscing his relationship with Sarah via pictures with stories behind. “Don’t be afraid of affections!”, especially for good and worthy things, the Man’s Man shows us.
Johnny is thirdly a man with finesse and fine hands. You are at least familiar with the field of Neurosurgery I guess? It’s not carpentry, it’s more like fine sculpturing, not coarse but refined, not hack and saw but precision and scalpel. The Man’s Man is able to translate his finesse with brain tissue, rat spines, cerebral vessels and delicate membranes, to control, composure and meticulous planning, with Sarah’s comparable talents, that materialised into the Wedding and Banquet we are privy to today and tonight. WIth none of the melodrama of bridezillas or groomorillas, they worked seamlessly in tandem to make this event so enjoyable for us, for me, for you. I suggest you ask the couple, how Johnny devised an Amazing race across the Sydney Harbour from Dawn til Dusk on their epic proposal/engagement day. There was a sunrise watch, champagne breakfast, cruise, jetboating, harbour bridge climb, Circular Quay sunset dinner, and of course as I’ve mentioned, the photobook of memories and the killer poem. As far as a Man could, Johnny nailed it precisely, for Sarah’s heart. The Man’s Man is able to finely navigate through His beauty’s precious Heart. This takes finesse, our young scouts, please take note.
The Man’s Man must have varied interests and be willing to try new things and adventures. A healthy dose of risk-taking behaviour is required, one where Sarah won’t be too stressed but nevertheless poses challenges and new insights for the head, heart, mind and most of all the body. Henry related to me how from a young age Johnny was keen to try new hobbies. He enjoyed the piano, violin, competition tennis, swimming, then as horizons broadened and pockets widened, new adventures like grand prix, bridge climbs, paint-ball warfares, white-water rafting and oddly, golf. According to Dr C. Wong, budding anaesthetist in SW Sydney, Johnny ain’t half-bad on the greens. Personally, I wouldn’t place golf in the high-risk thrill-seeking fun-activity for a Man in his Prime to the objection of some here. But Sarah, if at anytime Johnny is keen to attempt a triathlon I am willing to stand by or follow your Man’s Man.
I was told by Henry and Winnie that Johnny is a finisher: he finishes well. With academics, hobbies, music, with pursuits, medical training, research, he has proved to be a perseverant Man’s Man. They’ve never had to worry about him giving his best efforts and performing well at any task. I see this as a character trait closely linked to the next few, which is infinitely more essential, namely, the Man's Man is...
Firm, Faithful and has Faith
Why are this Three infinitely more essential? For I think it goes into the Heart of Hearts of the Man’s Man. What makes a Man most Manly if not for HIs firmness, faithful reliability and Faith, which is not a blind leap into ignorant foolishness but thought-out, calculated, dependence on something or someone of which He is convinced to be True, Good and Trustworthy? Johnny is firm, in his Christian Principles, derived from hIs Faith in a Truth in God, which he has been convinced of and come to know in person, leading to a Faithfulness or Trustworthiness that is shown in the Man’s Man’s life! Let me illustrate by a trivial example: have you guys seen Johnny’s Mazda 6? Well, he is faithful to it. How so? He would be willing, to ship this car to and back from New Zealand, during his secondment to Christchurch for his training. He loved it and was faithful to it, so much so, he’s willing to pay a great cost, to have it close by him where ever he went. I am sure this trait will come through in Sarah and Johnny’s marriage. The same type of faithfulness. Some laugh at the surface of foolishness of faithfulness but to the Man’s Man, Firmness, Faithfulness lies at the heart of it all.
Father’s Image
For I am convinced that throughout our Man’s Man’s life, which I’ve superficially surveyed, the Father has been at work. That’s how I can compute Johnny’s life so far and predict in his life ahead. All the features of the Man’s Man are actually a gradual work of the Heavenly Father so that Johnny becomes the Father’s Image, through the Son of Man the Lord Jesus. The final state of the Modern Man or Evolution, is the Father’s image. And I ‘m sure that’s what both Sarah and Johnny wish the most for our Man’s Man that one Day he’d become a Fine image of our Father, who loves us and is faithful to us.
I think our Man’s Man is on a good trajectory. Like a good golf drive, Johnny’s started well, the pull-back is just right, the contact with the ball is good, it’s now the time for follow-through. I’m sure you’ll finish well, Johnny, given what I’ve seen so far. If only our brief life was as brief as a par 4, it’d be simple and hassle free. But then where’s the time for refinement? The time to enjoy with Sarah, time to grow in disagreement and in reconciliation, time for the worse and better? I’m glad life isn’t golf and golf isn’t life. It’s even much for fun and satisfying. I’m excited for you both and the path that God has projected for you, Sarah and Johnny.
Now I would like to propose a toast to the Bridesmaids, Ming and Sarah. They have been helpful, fun and thoughtful friends to Sarah not just today, in the past but will also the future. To our Bridesmaids.
And a second toast to our happy couple:
To a loving and lasting union, clothed with the grace of God, for your joy and His glory:
To Johnny and Sarah!