(image from stock.xchng: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/353243)
I thank God that more than 20 of us turned up to 500 - a fellowship at my church NDCCC - 2 wks ago for that special workshop on relating to [Chinese] parents. There were a couple of friends from other churches who wanted to think through Chinese cultural issues pertaining to serving, it was very nice to see them.
Andrew (our pastor) briefly explained how Confucianism affected and still pervades even our Australian Asian culture. Say... why is it that parents often make their ABC kids play an instrument? Well, this is an example of Confucius' emphasis on the imposition of harmony within a family or social unit. It was helpful to entrench in my mind the five key relationships within Confucian society: Father & Son, Elder & Junior, Husband & Wife, King & Subject and Friend & Friend.
We had an interesting panel, consisting of Aaron, Gabriel, Sarah H. & Priscillla (thanks for prompt replies guys). A spectrum of parent & child relationship was seen. I was quite thankful of some of the reasonable and open parenting styles in particular. It seems like God has blessed us with some pretty godly parents in our congregation.
A small highlight was of course prayer at the end. THere was a common resolve to "honour our parents", even though we had not defined or explored exactly how it happens. But it was clear that the Bible's inference, indeed God's character as the Father, is at stake in how we honour our own earthly parents. I prayed with Dan Wong, and it was clear that Andrew's recommendation had an impression on both of us: that we move from Conforming, Ignoring, Conflicting to Engaging with our parents.
To keep it simple and stupid: we grow from obeying our parents to honouring them as we mature as Christians. We must think hard on how we do that as young/old adults who take our God the Father seriously.
For those who missed it for one reason on another, simply get Andrew's notes or read his blog: